At 11:01 PM on April 16, 2013, I sent the following email to some co-workers:
Title: Joel Out for a While
This is not a joke
My house caught on fire tonight. Everyone pk (i am only one home). Fire trucks, I have not been inside bur surely most things totaled. I don’t know when I will be back in commission but.upcoming travel.likely cancelled.
Not sure I will be in tomorrow.
Will email when.I know more.
Joel Grossman
Location Labs
sent from my mobile
Today, one year later, our house looks like this:
and our (growing) family is all smiles:
All in all, it has been a good year. We have many of you to thank for all if your help and support through the challenge and for that, we feel very lucky. Much love to you all.
—Grossman Family West